sapling I really like iCloud. it seems to work well. My family shares a 2 TB plan, and all is good. i appreciate that I can “have” 2 TB of files on my 256GB mac and as long as i have internet I can access them

but this also means that I store large files, for example movies or 4-5GB .sparsebundle images on the icloud.

Unfortunately, mac INSISTS on downloading these files even when there is absolutely no space to do so. It makes not one lick of difference if optimise storage is turned on or off, or i follow the terminal commands to evict the files, or even remove downloads(which I can’t do unless the files have finished downloading, and also can’t do on a folder level.)

How is this okay? Why can’t i have a list of folders that are large, that I can explicitly tell my mac, please don’t sync this?

Dropbox does this effortlessly.

It’s to the point where I actually have iCloud drive turned off, and only turn it off to upload files, then turn it off again.