I am currently brushing up on my WebDev skills building my website, and wrote Why writing tutorials is so damn difficult , when I was browsing through another tutorial (Fullstack part0 | Fundamentals of Web apps (fullstackopen.com)), when I realised a great way to make a list of skills I already have is to see what parts of the tutorial I skip.

This isn’t just limited to Software, hopefully, so this is a running(incomplete) list of things I can do, so that I know how to progress in the skill tree.

Electronic Stuff - Software - Command line familiarity - High tech mana - data recovery - proficiency for picking up and finding new apps - Applescript and Automator - Basic Programming - Excel - Hardware - Component Assembly(and disassembly(and destruction)) - Wiring and Soldering - Batteries/Charging - matching batteries, voltage, chemistry - building battery packs - harvesting batteries - i just love batteries -

Mechanical Stuff

  • Basic Car and Bike fundamentals
    • Working knowledge of component systems, enough to triage and at least temporarily fix most issues
    • Car Audio
    • Driving duh
  • Basic Plumbing, Advanced Electrical
  • Whetstone Sharpening(knives, chisels, scissors, saws)
  • Woodworking and Carpentry
  • Tools and techniques for various applications
  • Soldering and Wiring, Assembly Disassembly(and destruction)
  • Audio equipment
    • Knowledge of the industry and recommendations
    • DIY audio, making your own speakers and hi-fi equipment
    • Knowing what’s good, good ear for sound
    • I just love good sound

Artsy Stuff - Writing - Making cool stuff w wood/metal/wire - Bushcraft, shelter, weaponry - Hilarious, at times - Good story teller - Good curator for music - great with people, can entertain a crowd

Physical Stuff

  • 100kg deadlift, 50kg benchpress, 30kg OHP, 30kg squat(yea i know i need more leg day, fucked my knees working on that)
  • 5 pullup max, 15 pushup max (working on it)