These are some of my values and principle that I am always trying to adhere to and proselytise

Right to repair(and upgrade)

I condemn manufacturers gluing their products together and using solder to permanently fix parts that were previously replaceable by the end user. We have a strong responsibility to ensure that resources that are used from nature end up getting utilised to their max potential, instead of being disposed of prematurely just because it was to hard to get to them to use them.

Don’t Litter

It almost seems sad that I have to say this, but I live in India and we have a problem with litter. There is a popular movement in Camping and Hiking communities that advocates LNT, or leave no trace. Leave Nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories is a popular saying from this community. In the interests of convenience, a lot of stuff we need is packaged in disposable items that we dispose of IMMEDIATELY as soon as the item is taken, consequences be damned. It sucks to see the most beautiful places in my country be dirtied by the very people that came to admire the beauty.