Last updated Apr 22, 2024

inspired by , but a different twist. What am I thinking about right now?

What music am I listening to right now? is basically a direct conduit into what the inside of my head feels like which is kinda wack if you ask me.

TV? Movies?



I dislike goodreads, so nothing there sorry. Can automate collection of Movies and Music much easier than manually adding, so if I’m manually adding, then I’m doing it on a platform I can control.

I am reading The Magic of Reality - Richard Dawkins at the moment, and it is a fascinating book. I just finished The Cosmic Serpent - Jeremy Narby, and it was a fantastic ride. I don’t understand how everyone didn’t immediately jump into the amazon after reading that one.


I am really obsessing over the current issues around the existential risks that are facing humanity right now. We have never been more able to wipe ourselves off the face off the planet, and that this can now be done on accident scares me.

Includes but not limited to climate change, AI S-risk, and of course the usual suspects of war famine and pestilence.

What am I doing now?

Currently, I am working on this website. I really want to have the outside it reflect what it feels like inside my head.

I am also starting to take up freelance IT projects, after my earlier content writing stuff kinda became the writing on the wall after chatGPT.


I am currently enjoying a nostalgia fueled binge into a game I used to play a lot in my school days, factorio. I think it’s one of the best games ever made, the development team behind it is fanatically dedicated to their work, treating it better than many software developers do their enterprise apps.