Simple business, mine the data from WhatsApp chats to deliver personalised prints to users.

Made Instagram username - @chatchartsIN

What are the details that are available on the chart?

  • Message count per user: Total number of messages sent by each person.
  • Messages by day of the week: Distribution of messages across each day of the week.
  • Top emojis used: Most frequently used emojis and their usage counts.
  • Top words used: Most common words in the conversation and their frequencies.
  • Time of day messaging : Message frequency for each hour.
  • Time spent messaging: Total time each person spent sending messages.
  • Phrase frequency: Number of times a specific phrase (“I love you”) was used.
  • First encounter: The initial messages exchanged between user to user.
  • Laugh counter: Total instances of laughter expressions used in the conversation.
  • Date range: The time period covered by the chat history.

Shipped a MVP on Instagram, DM to order.

Will update based on customer interest.

Possible Future Ideas:

  • Custom sentiment analysis for high paying customers
  • Free digital image for customers if they share on social media
  • look for custom phrases, jevlis kha, tumne khaaya etc