What does it mean to introspect and write in your own voice

It’s a curious thing, human experience. You think that your life is made up of this series of interconnected incidents, and that makes you who you are. You also think the kind of things you do, consciously, result in the person you will be tomorrow. The weird thing about it is, however, that very often the true significance of an event and its effect on you becomes apparent only later down the line, and sometimes in seemingly unpredictable ways. The only way to truly determine the causality of your own personality is to look within and introspect.

My name is Kabir. But who is Kabir, really? I sometimes feel like I don’t know who it is I am exactly. My mother, sister, and friends all see different Kabir’s from the Kabir I see in the mirror, and even I don’t know who that Kabir is. The way I perceive my own self is similar to the movie Inside out. There sits a Main Kabir, at the head of a giant round table that is surrounded by a master console that behaves as an HUD for Life’s game. This Kabir is the one I think I am. But he is surrounded by a million more, warring for action. One Kabir clamours for me to go off camera right now, because he feels awkward writing on camera. Another one is stifling for some entertainment and wants to go waste time already. The Kabir that wants more in the future is trying to dissuade him, so that this Kabir may learn. Which one is the true Kabir? Is it me or is it them?

I’ve often been told that I write like I speak, but I don’t know what that means.