Its ironic(dangerous word to use second on a post on the internet) that i write my first “blog posts” ever at the time when its possible that most blogs cease to be written by humans and start being written by AI.

why here then? why now? and what exactly?

well, to embrace the suck.

I have been a hyperoptimiser all my life with crussssshing imposter syndrome. My abilities are nowhere near my taste, and so I never develop my abilities. Classic catch-22.

Instead, I spend my energy optimising the little parameters for the eventual launch.

but as space x, visa, or every single productivity help guide or sports shoe brand will tell you, there is no replacement for just doing it.

but do what, then? that becomes another quest…instead, i choose to embrace the suck.

one common theme I’ve noticed recently is to leverage compound interest everywhere. Sure, you start with very little, but end up with a lot over time. I noticed this recently with pullups. About 3 years back, I consciously became very aware that I wanted to be fitter. It took about a year before I started taking serious action, but it started with pullups. I started hanging for a few weeks on a little ledge inside my mouse. that turned into almost-pullups, which turned into a real pullup. I noticed my biceps started getting bigger, which motivated me to seriously get into the gym. 3 years later, I’m much better off than when I started, and also have a much better idea of where I want to go. You can read my journey with my body and health if you want to know more.

One way to do this that I’ve been enamoured with recently is the various Do 100x projects ive seen.

180 websites in 180 days 100 pushups visa rationality in 30 days guy

the recurring theme being that it starts by sucking, but compound gains add up slowly and you get very competent very fast.

does that make sense?

I don’t write as well as my favourite and most admired writers…yet. Maybe I suck. I embrace the suck.