It seems like this to me.

nature seems to be able to make simple shit do some extraordinarily complex shit, like bees flying.

we can emulate this given a LOT of time and effort, like we did with planes.

it seems reasonable to assume that anything bio engineering can do, we can replicate better, and faster, albeit maybe less power efficiency.

so can we emulate intelligence - the answer seems to me to be almost definitely.

Now to come to the superintelligent part of things. I see some obvious ways that our intelligence differs amongst humans - some people have good memory, some people have good raw cognition, etc. But i see some obvious ways that it can definitely improve

  • better long term memory
  • better RAM, to hold more things at once
  • better computational ability
  • consistency over time all these are simple things software wise, but would be a killer boost to something that is already human intelligence - enough for me to classify as super intelligen.

not to mention that it has a limitless length and breadth and depth, and it propagates easily, and I think the case for the possibility of the existence of superintelligent ai looks very strong, damn near inevitable.