As i was writing the How I made this part of the website, and why bit, I am on this side stream where I am realising that writing tutorials is damn difficult.

For some stuff, like cooking or knots, it’s easier, because you can assume a basic level of context knowledge, and can explain the hard stuff.

For others, it is also easy, because the audience is clear and it assumes a familiarity with certain subjects. For example, How to use stremio has 4 steps, each 1 line. I assume anyone bothering to read that is familiar with streaming and savvy enough with technology to use it.

But for this particular one, it was so difficult, because you have to decide whether or not to explain how to initialise a git repo, or whether to go into what obsidian is and does, and what markdown is, and etc etc, don’t even get me started on npm. It’s necessary to define a good slice of the audience that you’re writing to, so that you can decide what needs to be explained. But when I questioned my beliefs to figure out who all I wanted to be able to write online for free forever, it was everyone.

In this case, i was writing it just so that I would remember the bits that I find it hard to remember, specifically the build commands and the directory that makes the site sync, but instead I thought why not do the whole writeup so that it’s just all there in one location. In the end I decided to just write it for one audience, Me.