yesterday(1 sep24) i was in conversation with my friend harsh and we were discussing this syneshetic thought he had about looking up at birds flying through the sky, and hearing it as music.

I am attempting to bring that to life, translating the birds flight patterns into sound. This is a documentation of that attempt.

I am trying to use opencv to detect the birds flight patterns and duration across frames of a video. i am using this video as a sample. (thank you yt-dlp)

In my first few attempts, i was getting very short tones due to only producing a millisecond of sound per frame, leading to a short harsh buzz sounding like this

I then removed the association of the duration with the coordinate, and based the duration as a multiple of the video’s frame rate.

then i got this the time of audio per frame is now the same time as the video frame time

kinda harsh and death metally eh

now i am trying to further the audio pipeline some random attempts as the sound evolves The problem is that the bird recognition code is not dynamic enough and yet too sensitive. Trying to figure out how to solve that is not easy.

Difficulty Level:HIGH